In what areas of research can I submit a proposal?
For the 2022 Call for Proposals, the MIT Skoltech Program is seeking innovative proposals in the following 3 categories:
1. Research projects in the areas of science and engineering:
- Data Science
- Life Sciences and Health
- Cutting-edge Engineering & Advanced Materials
- Energy Efficiency
- Advanced Studies
2. Projects in the areas of policy, economics, humanities, arts, and social sciences. The Program is especially interested in research projects in the fields of:
- Innovation & Entrepreneurship
- Technology & Policy
- Russian studies in general, including Russian history, Russian art, and Russian economy
3. Non-research projects to promote engagement and collaboration in topics and activities that may impact Russia or Skoltech, such as developing a course or an Entrepreneurship & Innovation program. If you have questions on whether a non-research project is of interest, you can raise these with
Can I submit a proposal if I currently have an active award or in the past have received an award from the MIT Skoltech Program?
- If you received an award from the MIT Skoltech Program in the past, and that award has expired, you can submit a proposal under this call for proposals.
- If you currently have an active NGP award from the MIT Skoltech Program you are not eligible under this call for proposals.
- If you currently have an active Pilot grant award (that will expire in June 2022), you can submit a proposal to allow for the continuation of this research project past the expiration date of June 30, 2022.
Do I need a Skoltech collaborator to submit a proposal under this call?
Although not mandatory, proposals that include collaboration with Skoltech faculty are strongly encouraged. If you do not have a collaborator at Skoltech, we can help you connect with interested faculty at Skoltech. Please contact our office by email at
Can I submit more than 1 proposal?
Yes, each MIT Principal Investigator can submit up to 2 proposals although, if selected, only one will be funded.
What is the timeline for submissions and announcements?
Proposal submission deadline | November 15, 2021 (11:59pm ET) |
Announcement of funded projects | January 2022 |
Funds available for use for new projects | January 1, 2022 – December 31, 2023 |
Funds available for use for renewal projects | July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2024 |
Should I submit a budget for direct costs or total proposal cost (including EB, F&A, etc.)
Please submit a budget for total proposal costs, including all applicable overhead costs at the current research rates for FY 2022 listed below.
Research F&A Rate | 55.1 % |
Employee Benefits Rate | 24.8 % |
Vacation accrual Rate | 8.7 % |
What can the funding be used for?
Funding may be used for, but is not limited to, MIT salaries (including summer salaries as well as RA, postdoc, and other salaries), tuition for MIT students, materials & supplies, services, equipment, travel & meeting costs to facilitate collaboration with Skoltech, and indirect costs. Funding should not be used for salaries for foreign collaborators.
What is the amount to be awarded?
Pilot grants will be awarded in amounts up to $100,000 annual total costs, for a grant period up to two years.
Should the proposal be routed via Kuali Coeus (KC) at this stage?
No, the proposal should not be routed via KC. Only if an award is granted will the proposal need to be routed via KC.
How do I submit a proposal?
Please submit the project proposal and project budget via MIT Funding Opportunities by November 15, 2021, 11:59pm ET. Any area- or budget-related questions can be raised with